How to Support Students with Morning Work Binders

What are Kindergarten morning work binders?  Morning work binders are binders with pages that can be used repeatedly by your students.  These learning binders can offer a variety of academic learning opportunities to your students once they are prepared.

Kindergarten Learning binder

Materials Needed to Create the Learning Binders: 

  • Binders 1/2" or 1"
  • Plastic Sleeves
  • Dry Erase Marker

Academic Learning Binders for Kindergarten

How to Sent Up Classroom Morning Work Binders

Make copies of all the pages you plan to put in your binders.  I suggest using your copy machine collator function. This makes it easy to prepare one binder at a time. I place the pages back-to-back in each sleeve. Next, I print a cover for each student with their name on it.

Procedures for Using Classroom Learning Binders

Before letting my students use these, we go over the expectations and guidelines for usage.  I talk about how we will be using only our dry-erase markers on the plastic part.  We do not write on any of the papers. We go over dry-erase pen procedures- snapping the cap till you hear it click. 

Then we practice with one page, writing, then erasing. Practice makes perfect.

When to Use Classroom Learning Binders

I use learning binders daily when introducing a number or a letter at the beginning of the school year.  I also use these when students finish work early, they can work in their binder.  They can also be used for morning work.  Students can work in their binders as the rest of the class is entering the classroom and getting settled.

At the end of the school year, students go through each page with a baby wipe.  We make sure all the pages are clean.  If there are pages where the dry erase marker won't erase, we use a Mr. Clean eraser.  Next, I or a volunteer goes through each Learning Binder making sure it is complete and ready for next year.

These Morning Work Binders are something that my students really like using and once they are set up they can be used again and again, year after year.

You can download a sample of the morning work binders below

Roll and Cover FREE Math Game for Learning Binders

Purchase them from TpT.

morning work binders for kindergarten

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