Kindergarten and Social Distancing with SitSpots

Yes, you read that correctly- Kindergarten and social distancing- It might sound like an oxymoron to some.  Can kindergarten students really social distance?  School isn't even out for some and everyone is already thinking about how it can even work? Well I gave a plan.
Social Distancing in Kindergarten

When we return, if we return in August I will be using my Sit Spots.  They have already started planning for social distancing- but before social distancing was even a thing- SitSpots helped to create personal space in a classroom.

I love the three new spots they have added.  Wait Here is going to be perfect to use for my bathroom area.  My kids are always standing right in front of the door.  The Arrow will be great to point which direction I want students to walk and the STOP well, that could have so many uses.
SitSpots for social distancing

SitSpots also makes tape in a long strip which is perfect for creating sections within your classroom.  Forget sticky tape that kids will peel up off the floor.  Pick the color and width that works for your room.
SitSpots Strip to mark off areas in a classroom

SitSpots Strips for marking out spaces in a classroom

My favorite is the numbers.  I used these last year as a line up strip.  This year I will be spacing them much farther apart.  I believe we will be returning with only half of the students at a time and doing some type of A/B schedule so perhaps I will assign odd numbers to the A group and Even numbers to the B group and have my line snake through the class room.   SitSpots also has cute footprint cutouts too.  Those might work to go in between the numbers.

SitSpots Number Line

We are a flexible seating school.  You can read more about that here. This means we don't have a real chair for every student.  I have 3 rectangular tables, a small rainbow table and a coffee table style table.  Flexible seating is going to have to continue.  

To make it work. I will use my Alphabet and Sight Word SitSpots to assign places in the classroom.  I can place the spots on the carpet under chairs or spaced out about the classroom in places on the carpet for students to sit with a lap desk.  Students will sit there for the week.  Spaces and items will be cleaned in between the student switch days and I imagine daily as well.

These are just my ideas of how I think I can use my SitSpots for maintaining Social Distancing.  We of course will be doing a lot of practice, practice, practice, because we know that they will need it.  It will all be so new to them.

If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them.  Leave them in the comments below.

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SitSpots for Social Distancing at School


Unknown said...

I'd also love to hear what others are thinking and/or planning to socially distance in the classroom. OR just other ideas about math work places, partner work, etc.
Thank you

Unknown said...

I am also planning to use sit spots. Some of the directives we have so far are no more than two at a table (with partitions) and no sharing supplies. I plan to get rid of all but 3 of my tables and move to having a floor spot for every child. I will use the tables for those who may not do their best work in the floor. I think I can keep about 3-4 feet between students this way. (I have a large classroom.) It will be an adventure, that's for sure!

13Harley said...

Our desks need to be spread out and in rows. I will use my Sit Spots to mark where their desks need to stay.

Unknown said...

My class had all flexible seating before COVID. Now the county has come in and removed all of my tables and replaced them with individual student desks. OUCH! Thank goodness all of the wobble stools, scoop rockers, wobble cushions, etc. are my personal property and I will one day be able to return to this wonderful way of teaching kindergarten. I look forward to your suggestions because I now feel like a duck out of water - before everything was communal now individual, before it wall all concrete now I am not quite sure how to do this since once a child has used an item it must be "quarantined" for 72 hours.

Thanks for all of your ideas!