This year we will be trying something a little different with our kindergartners. In the past, we assessed our students before school started then placed them into classes. However, not all students would come to our assessment days so we would have to randomly place students into classes.
This year, we will be assessing students the first three days using ESGI, then we will build our class lists. With the help of our support staff we will be able to assess all of our students rather quickly. We will assess each student on the following skills:
- Letter ID and Sounds
- Number Recognition 0-20
- Counting to 20
- Basic Shape Recognition
While students are being assessed teachers will be working with the students. During this time the teachers will be observing their cutting and coloring skills as well as their group interactions and social skills. Once each student is assessed we will be able to print out results and do our best to make balanced classes of students.
Why use ESGI?
It's fast-It's easy to use- no papers to shuffle- no flash cards or manipulatives to carry around. Everything you need for assessment is on the screen. All questions are recorded with a yes/no format. Either the student got the answer correct or they didn't.
If you haven't tried ESGI- Give it a try- You can sign up for a FREE 60 day trial. That is what My teammate and I did a few years ago at the start of the school year. Then after using it to monitor our students progress we shared it with our assistant superintendent. She loved our enthusiasm and we had data to prove how much time we were saving. She bought it for all kindergarten teachers in our district. Now, it is what we all use.
I can't tell you how simple and easy it iss to use. It comes with a ton of pre-made assessments or you can make your own. My teammate and I are now in charge of making all of our district assessments which of course we make in ESGI.
Another fabulous feature is the parent letter. This letter tells the parents what skills their child knows or doesn't know. We actually print this letter out and attach it to our report cards. We love it becasue it is available in Spanish. You can edit the letter as well.

ESGI also offers teachers the ability to print individualized flash cards for students. For example if I wanted this particular student to work on number recognition I could print out just the number flash cards they did not know.
So what are you waiting for? Click the ESGI icon above and sign up for your free trial use the Promo Code B928. New trial members will also be entered into a raffle to win one of ten $50 TPT gift cards.
If you decide to purchase ESGI use the Promo Code B928 for a discount of $40.
Test it out then show your district how wonderful it is. Be sure to tell them how much time you can save on assessing students and actually spend quality time teaching if they were to purchase the program for you. After all, in the end isn't that why you are there, to teach?

1 comment
Absolutely love ESGI! This will be my 9th year using it. Helps me work smarter, not harder!! 😊
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