Today Tips is all about Calendar Numbers. I use them for many different things in the classroom. When I first started teaching I bought all those cute thematic numbers that needed to be changed out each month- you know the ones that had school houses or apples for September, pumpkins for October and son on. Those were great until one went missing.
A few years ago I started making my own calendar numbers. Soon I was using them for other things around the classroom. Calendar numbers soon became floor markers for students to stand on. I also place them in pocket charts for students to sort the numbers in order. Another teacher at my school used my numbers in a pocket chart to identify her students lunch card ID's. She used another set for her students numbers on their book boxes.
TIP: I use a Large craft circle punch that I found at Michael's- Don't forget the 40% off coupon and teacher discount--- to punch out the circles.
I hope you enjoyed todays Freebie- If you have a suggestion on how to use them, please leave it in the comments below.

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