So many things are packed into May, that it is hard to come up for Air Ready, Set, Go...
Mothers Day Tea: It was a blast, moms, aunts, cousins, and a dad had fun listening to their children read and I enjoyed watching the children be read to.Kermese: School-wide evening festival. Our Ballet Folklorico students perform. Our PTA parents make over 1,000 tamales. We have lots of food, music and fun.
Parent Lunch Day: First Friday of every Month.
It is no wonder I fell asleep before 8:00 PM on Friday night. We are well into our Countdown To Summer. The kids are having lots of fun and getting into the spirit. Bubble day was a blast, but can I just say that who ever invented colored bubbles "YUCK" that stuff stains and is one BIG GLOPPY MESS. Luckily for me our computer teacher saw the bottles that were donated and told me how messy they were, so I switched them out and made sure only I used them. It's like sticking your fingers in jello before it congeals.
So with all this craziness how do teachers keep their sanity? We need to organize and prioritize. I am a master list maker. I have them everywhere. My favorite part is crossing things off my to do list.
This year I am starting at the bottom of my list and working backwards. I'm also trying to do the things that aren't the Must Do's because I know those will get done. They are after all "Must Do's- like Report Cards. This weekend I worked on end of the year student gifts. I always make DVD's for my students and give them awards. Rather than wait until the very last minute to work on the DVD covers and the awards. I took today to create both. The Memory DVD's and Awards aren't mandatory, they are just something that I like to do for my students. We don't do yearbooks, so it is my way of giving them a memory of their first year of school. By creating these items early, I am saving myself from some stress and hopefully late nights.
The majority of the DVD is already created thanks to Open House, I'll continue to add to it until Memorial weekend. Then I'll create the final version.
The following section contains affiliate links, which means if you click on one of the product links and purchase the product or any other product from this website, I'll receive a commission from Amazon.
I have already ordered my Jewel Cases and DVD's from from Amazon.
You can download the template for my Jewel case covers for Free from TpT.
They are editable All you need to do is add your own text into the text box.
You can read more about how I create my End of Kindergarten DVD's and what songs I use here.
Awards: Crossing another item off my list this weekend was awards.
I like to personalize awards for each of my students. I do my best to choose awards that fit each child specifically. I have two students who are amazing artists. They will be getting these awards

The End of the year is near, avoid the chaos, stay ahead of the game and stay stress free. Make your lists and stay focussed and organized. YOU GOT THIS!!!
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