Celebrating the 100th day of school is not a task that should be done alone. It takes a team of parents or at least one parent and a senior citizen volunteer, in my case, to help pull off this monumental day. The 100th Day of School is not for the weary. There is no rest or sitting down. Don't fool yourself into thinking you get lunch, ha! your lucky to get that much needed bathroom break.
Our 100th Day was on a Monday. I luckily had the Friday before to prepare everything before I left for the weekend. We began our day with a school wide tour walking in and out of each classroom to look at al of the projects that each student had created. All teachers had assigned the same 100th day family project. These are just a few of the pictures I took from all of the classrooms that we toured.
We spent the rest of our day rotating through centers. We made Fruit Loop necklaces. We put together our 100th Day snack. The labels are the best thing ever. I collected the bags as they finished and passed them out at the end of the day. They wrote their numbers to 100 Some kids were able to do this without looking at the 100's chart, some needed to use it along the way, and others I had to stop after they reached 20. It's all about differentiation. The last center was a writing center. They wrote about something they wished they had 100 of. I loved reading these; especially the ones who said they wished they had 100 kittens. I asked them who would clean that litter box? Yuck!
The necklace, hats, writing to 100 and even the t-shirt iron on (you can see it in the top right corner of the first photo collage) are all from my Hooray for the 100th Day pack
Enjoy the week. Happy 100th Day and Happy Valentine's Day- Does anyone have them fall within the same week or on the same day?
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