My list isn't too exciting, but for me, it includes all of the things I want to do this summer. A few of which I have already checked off and plan to repeat as necessary.
Notice how Sleep In is first on my list and it isn't checked off. My body is still on school year wake up time. It doesn't matter how late I stay up, I just can't sleep in. Maybe it is the neighbor's Harley that wakes me up at 3:00 AM every morning. Seriously, what compels a person to blast the radio on his motorcycle while it is warming up at 3:00AM???
I'm almost ready to check the second item off my Summer bucket list. Watch Orange is the New Black. I binged watched seasons 1 & 2 last week. I am slowly making my way through season 3. I have 4 episodes left and I don't want it to end. The writers do an amazing job with reflecting on the inmates past a little bit at a time. It is funny how some of the characters personalities or appearances remind me of people I know in real life.
Pedicures With Friends and Dinner Out With Friends. These were the first items on my list I was able to check off. Of course they will need to be repeated a few more times. I love a good pedicure. Can you guess which toes are mine? The Dinner Out With Friends has happened quite a bit already. I love being able to reconnect with my friends, catching up on each others lives and of course sharing a few adult beverages are always nice too. BTW those are mango margaritas from my favorite restaurant. I've been there a few times in the past few weeks. There's something about good food, drinks and friends all combined together.
I really want to take a vacation to the beach and just do nothing but dig my toes in the sand and maybe take a dip in the ocean if it is warm enough. This is a favorite beach of mine in Nerja, Spain. It is on the Costa del Sol. I was there in 2013. Unfortunately we were only able to spend 1 day there, but it is a wish of mine to return.
Something that I have been doing daily is walking the dogs. Every night my husband and I walk our two dogs and the neighbor's two miniature dachshunds. We are dog sitting. We are also currently dog sitting a miniature chihuahua. Apparently our neighbors and friends think we are running a dog sitting service.
As for the other items on my bucket list… I am working on it. I would like to take an extended weekend trip and visit my family that doesn't live near. The blogging is coming along, the TpT products have been on the back burner for a bit, but I'll get to them. I actually find creating via my computer to be very relaxing. As for my office, well…. it is a never-ending process. There are days it looks fresh out of Pottery Barn and other times it looks like I'm auditioning for Hoarders.
Well, that's my summer bucket list. I told you not too exciting. No trips to Las Vegas this year. My husband told me to go and a few of my bloggy friends were kind enough to offer to share their room, but after much contemplation, I decided to sit this year out. The past few summers have been so busy, they didn't really feel like a vacation. It has been nice to just sit about in my pajamas all day, watch movies and do nothing. So, what is on your bucket list this summer?
If you would like to read more about Teachers on Summer Break head on over to these fabulous bloggers.

1 comment
Hello from Spain: the holidays are the perfect time for many activities and free time.We keep in touch
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