To get them ready for this concept, first we explored base ten using my Read, Build & Count Mats. The students replicated the rods and cubes using their own manipulatives. This was a center and choice time activity a few weeks ago.
Last week they were ready for the real deal. First they had to choose a card and count. I sat with each student to make sure they weren't trying to count each individual cube within the rod.
Next they matched the picture on the card to the picture on their answer sheet. It was easy for me to scan their page to see if they were counting correctly.
If you noticed, my cards are printed in black and white. Although the set I originally created is in color, I knew that if I wanted to just print them in black and white I could. I've been working on creating centers that are easy on the ink. My three latest math centers were created to print in color or black and white. Let's face it, ink isn't cheap.
Next week we will repeat the center again, but I have raised the bar, we will be counting all the way to 30. I know my kids can do it. They are becoming rock star mathematicians!!! This is currently on sale in my TpT store.

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