Bright Idea: Use a Wireless Doorbell as an Attention Getter

Happy New Year Everyone.  Our Bright Idea Blog crew is back for another round of bright ideas.  To start the year off, I thought I'd share with you my favorite way to get my students attention. I know I've written about this and many other ways to grab the students' attention quickly before. HOWEVER, this is for me the BEST way and I thought perhaps there are readers who haven't seen this yet.

It starts with a wireless doorbell that can be purchased at the local hardware store or ordered on-line.  I ordered mine from Amazon.  There were a wide selection to choose from.  Some plug into an outlet, others run on batteries.  Most have a variety of tunes that they can play.
Classroom attention getter
My doorbell  runs on batteries and came with two remotes.  Mine actually came with the batteries.  I keep one remote on my technology cart and the second remote next to my small group table.  I have also placed it in my pocket if I think I might need it and don't want to walk over to where it is normally located.
classroom attention getter, getting students attention
The doorbell part hangs on the wall using a push pin. It is about 4 inches tall.  Very small and inconspicuous, but loud enough for kids to hear.
getting students to listen, wireless doorbell
Once I push the button, the tune begins to play and all my kids stop what they are doing. They place their hands on top of their head and look at me.  
getting students to listen, wireless doorbell
The tune is long enough (but not too long) that by the time it ends everyone is looking at me silently.
getting students to listen, wireless doorbell
Once you give it a try you will wonder how you ever managed without it.  

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For more bright ideas please be sure to read through all the ideas below shared by my fellow bloggin friends.


Mrs. Wathen said...

Thanks Tiffany for your bight idea!! I have seen this in the past. This year I have a chatty group so I think it is time to try it:)

The Resourceful Apple

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

I have this in my class too and I love it!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Unknown said...

Oh, I need this and my kids would love it! What a great idea!
Around the Kampfire

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant! I have to try it.


The Colorful Apple said...

This is so cool! I never thought about this before, but it's genius.

Sara :)
The Colorful Apple

Sally said...

I have GOT to check these out!

Sally from Elementary Matters

Meganda said...

So excited about this idea! Thank You! I'm currently using a chime but it isn't always loud enough. Going to Lowe's today!