I found the pumpkins and the spider webs at the .99¢ Store. The spiders were from the Dollar Tree. I printed out some numbers and hushed a circle punch to cut them out. I laminated the numbers then glued all 3 pieces together with white glue.
The ten frames I made and added the erasers that my husband found while we were cruising the Target Dollar Spot. 50 cute Halloween erasers makes one fun center.
Next up are these adorable cutouts from the Dollar Store. The minute I saw them I thought of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. This was perfect timing as our letter last week was the letter M. These were perfect for upper and lower case letter matching. I used my Cricut to make the letters, but a marker or letter stickers works too.
I also snagged these lock and key cutouts from the Dollar store. I made a number matching game with these. I used some colored sticky dots I had and the Cricut for the numbers.
I hope I've given you some inspiration for some creative, inexpensive and easy to make centers.

1 comment
Love these ideas! Thank you. I will be on the look out for some items at our Dollar Store. Ink is getting very expensive with all the printing around here. :)
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