Although it is a short week, it still feels long. We have been in school for 11 days. Routines are starting to take shape. I'm loving my 19 little new friends.
I've also made a few Power-points with the letters we have learned, each day I add a new letter. Each morning I go into the slide sorter and mix up the slides. Just in case they have memorized the letter order.
The group I have this year needs LOTS of practice. I just finished DIBELS and most of my kids don't know any letters.
Here are a few of our morning circle maps. I use the black and white pictures from my Beginning Sounds Sorting Pack.
We add any classmates names to the list if their name begins with that letter. They love looking at each others name tags to see if their friends name belong on our chart. We are slowly learning the difference between if our name begins with the letter or if the letter is in our name.
Next we head to our table to search for the letters. The kids are working on letter recognition and basic coloring skills. Little by little they are getting better at coloring within the lines.
I always mix in some letter videos that I have saved to my YouTube channel. We've watched several Alphabet ones, but these are our favorites so far.
Do You Know The Alphabet?
By Mr. Harry
What Do the Letters Say?
By HAve Fun Teaching
I like to end our day with some sort of letter craft. I've created a few and have used some from Simply Kinders Alphabet hats and Rowdy n Room 300 Alphabet Craftivity Mega Pack. Both packs give me a variety of fun, crafty letters activities.
Her is our letter G craft that I created.
Click the picture to download the templates.
I'll be back with more in a few days. Make sure you follow my youtube channel to see all the videos we will be using this year.

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