The new product called, Are You Ready for First Grade? is a gameshow format. My kids loved it. It was perfect for those last few weeks of school and a great activity to leave for my substitute when I had to leave for a meeting. My class played it as a whole group broken up into teams by table groups. Each group took a turn answering a question. The game includes 6 games that allow children to be game show contestants. For each math or language arts question answered correctly, the contestants can win pretend money. My kids jumped at the chance to win pretend money.
The set-up for the game is really easy. The cards have great questions that increase in diffiuclty.
This is a perfect activity to use during the summer with your kids if you run a summer school program, or if you are a parent who just wants to make sure your child is ready for the next grade. Lakeshore makes a specific game for each grade level starting with Kindergarten through 5th grade. If you are using the game at home, there is a score tally sheet to record your child's' answers. You can then go onto their website and enter the results to receive information on areas your child needs more practice with. They even offer free printable activities and helpful product suggestions.
Are you ready to order your grade level?
Lakeshore is giving my readers a generous coupon worth $10. That makes the game only $19.99
To get $10 off any Are You Ready? Game Show®, enter code 9141at checkout or click here for a store coupon! Expires 7/31/14.
You can watch their promotional video here to learn more.

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