This week we continue our Countdown with the letters H, I, J, K, & L
H-Hat Day
Activity: we will be making Frog Life-Cycle Headbands.
Books: Harry's Hats, A House for Hermit Crab
I-Inch Day
Activity: We will be breaking out the rulers and measuring anything and everything.
Book: Inch by Inch, In the Tall, Tall Grass, In a Small, Small Pond
J-Jumprope Day
Activity: We have a few jumprope rhymes to learn and work on our jump roping skills.
Book: Jump, Frog, Jump Just the Two of Us
K-Kindness Day
Activity: Each student will be picking names and writing a note to tell that classmate what they like about them.
Book: The Kissing Hand, K is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo
L-Line Art Day
Activity: We will be using rulers to create some line art.
Books: Llama Llama Mad at Mama,
Daily Activities
We will continue working in Math and Literacy stations
Literacy Stations will focus on cvce words, blends and digraphs, syllables, rhyming, word families, medial vowels, and high frequency words.
Math Stations will focus on addition, subtraction, tally marks, number bonds, composing and decomposing numbers 11-19, and money.
This week we will also be taking our district writing sample and I will be progress monitoring.
To see what others are doing this week click on over to Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

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