The parents brought in so many bubbles, that we have enough to do it a few more times. As for all those handprints, those are the beginning to our butterflies.
These came last week too.
If you haven't entered my giveaway- here's still time. Click the picture to go to the blog post to enter
We will kick off the beginning of the week with these two books.
Need some ideas for a Book a day? Try These
A to Z: A Book a Day
- A: Abiyoyo
- B: Brown Bear, Brown Bear
- C: Crunchy, Munchy Cookies
- D: If You Give a Dog a Donut
- E: An Extraordinary Egg
- F: Frogs Lunch
- G: Giraffes Can’t Dance
- H: A House for Hermit Crab
- I: In the Tall, Tall Grass
- J: Just the Two of Us
- K: The Kissing Hand
- L: Llama Llama Time to Share
- M: Mouse Paint
- N: Noisy Nora
- O: Over in the Meadow
- P: Princess Pigtoria and the Pea
- Q: Quick as a Cricket
- R: Ruby the Copycat
- S: Swimmy
- T: Tar Beach
- U: The Underpants Zoo
- V: The Velveteen Rabbit
- W: Where the Wild Things Are
- X: What Does the X-Ray Say?
- Y: Yo! Yes?
- Z: Zin, Zin, Zin A Violin
And if we aren't busy enough...
Mother's day is just around the corner- Look what we will be making.
Need some ideas, check these out!

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