The frame is form IKEA, the big letter K is from Joann's, I duct taped it to the back so I wouldn't ruin the frame or the letter.
I feel like I've been planning my room all summer long and it still isn't complete-but whose classroom ever is finished? I think mine is always in a "work-in-progress" state.
My library used to around my rug area. It bugged me that the kids would play with the books when they were supposed to be focussed on me. I decided to make my library a separate area in the classroom. So, I searched the internet for an inexpensive, fun rug. I found this black & white chevron rug at They had a 65% off coupon that day. It is huge (7'10" x 10"10") I actually have it running up the wall behind the book cases. It was only $88. Such a deal. It is busy... but I LOVE it.
Speaking of book cases they used to be blue, this summer I sanded and painted them black.. with the black cases, I knew I'd want new tubs. There was nothing wrong with my 40 blue tubs, except that they are blue. Again I scoured the internet. I really wanted red, but couldn't find them at a decent price. So I settled for white. I found these Sterilite baskets at they were on sale for $1.99 each. I ordered 36 of these. It did take about 3 weeks and a few emails, but they arrived two days before school started. I had all my labels printed, laminated and waiting. A little hot glue to adhere them to the tubs and they were complete. I already had the R-E-A-D from last year but made the bunting banner this year. You can find that in my TpT store in red or black. I also made a bunting for my desk and added some scalloped polka dot border. I used scrapbook tape to adhere it all.
I saw this on Pinterest last summer but never got around to doing it. Last week all of my family was gone for the evening, so with some free time and some fabric scraps, I stitched this up in no time. I attached it with double sided sticky back velcro dots. It hides all my neatly zip tied cords.
Last I'll share my Calendar wall bunting- I'm currently adding to my wall and getting it just right stay tuned for part 2 of my New Year-New Room Decor.
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