Mrs. Wish Washy

I'm a little late to the party on this.  I had been asked to review these two books and was so excited to do so.   I've been a huge Joy Cowely Fan for YEARS.  Our districts reading program used her books specifically when they created our specialized program. Well, I went to use the books to write my review, but my package had disappeared.  I found it yesterday in a box of testing materials.  I must have accidentally moved it there when I was cleaning up for Open House.

Now, jump over to Facebook to enter their fabulous contest.  They are giving away aan awesome classroom package worth over $400.
Want more info on where to find Joy Cowley and MRs Wishy Washy.

Want to buy some of these great books, just use this code ZJCC13; gives you 20% off purchase of anything on their website through 6/30/13