Class Size Reduction
You all know I started the year with 32 kids of which 12 were still 4 years old. A few weeks ago I lost my first student and will be losing another in a few days. The first moved suddenly to Mexico, the other is moving to a private school that has a smaller number of kids. Well this week our school board voted to bring back class size reduction in grades K, 1 and 2. They really wanted it for Kindergarten being that so many families leave our district for neighboring districts that offer smaller class size. However, in order to offer it for Kindergarten, you have to reduce grades 1 & 2 first. They also voted to change our school to a K-3 only and make the school up the street our sister school with grade 4-6. They hope this will help to illuminate combination classes. I am already looking forward to having a smaller class next year. It has been three years since we did away with CSR and each year our class sizes go up. As of now we can have 33 kids being paid overages starting at 30. I did like the overages, but I'll like knowing I'm actually teaching and students are learning a whole lot more. Turn your love of working with children into a teaching job with Guide to Career

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Holy smokes!! Girl I struggle with 17!!! Yay, to CSR!
32 kids! I guess that I shouldn't complain about my 20 anymore. Do you have an assistant all day?
Yay! I am so happy you will have smaller classes next year! It is nice to know the higher ups do care about smaller classes so that children can actually get more attention! Hugs! :)
Crayons and Curls
No, we don't have assistants. I do have a few college girls come in twice a week and a few parents that help from time to time. I've also convinced the 4th grade girls that it is cool to help out during recess with collecting homework and organizing my stuff
I'm excited for you! Big classes are no way to teach. I'm at 26 in my first grade room (which is really nothing compared to 33 in K-- I feel for you). I feel like I have to climb over kids to get anywhere and by the time I get one group settled down the next group is acting up and it just keeps going. I try my hardest, but I don't feel like I'm reaching them compared to years I only had 19 or 20.
I've seen the sister-school model work REALLY well, both for teachers AND students/parents! It helps students transition to the upper grades, and REALLY keeps the testing out of the lower grades so that there are fewer interruptions during state-wide testing. The culture of the school changes, too, and it just seems to improve things overall.
I can't even imagine 30 Kindergarten kiddos day after day. You are one strong (and incredible) teacher!
Very happy they are reducing class size for your school! 30+ is way too many!
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