I made the switch to Mac- no not the make-up, although I do like their products. I switched platforms and am giving up my beloved "Dude get a Dell" At the encouragement of my husband Mr. IT Enterprise Security, I switched. I never thought he would say we should switch to Mac. Although it was the first computer I ever bought and I paid the same price today as I did in 1989. Except this time it about 4 times bigger screen wise. My little old Mac SE had such a small screen, not sure how I ever even worked on it. Yesterday I went with my kids to the mall. As we were leaving I said let's stop in the Apple store, just to ask some questions. So my kids being the kids that they are, said "Mom you know you want it just get it now so we don't have to come back". I had the girl write it all down, then I left, walked out into the mall, read over the info and walked right back in. Now sitting in my kitchen in a box is a 27"iMac. I want to open it and set it up, but I feel like a traitor to my cute little Dell. Hopefully today, I can get my desk cleaned up in my office, then maybe open it and play. If you've made the switch please let me know how it went.
I switched 3 years ago. Totally the right idea! I hope you got the education deal of $100 off plus a $100 iTunes gift card and $100 rebate for a printer! Miss B, Busy Bee
Yep, I got all three. The printer was sort of a no brainer. I don't need it, but hey it was free
I switched 4 years ago, and I will never go back to a PC. Macs are so much easier and just plain old make more sense! You gotta love all the good deals that always accompany a Mac purchase too! You will LOVE it!
Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper
I made the switch a year ago or as my husband told me, I "left the dark side and stepped into the light". I LOVE my MacBook. But I want to keep adding - those iPhones and iPads look soooo wonderful!
Congratulations on a very wise purchase!
An Open Door
I made the switch back in 1999 and have never looked back. They are AMAZING!
I hope to get a Mac next year-I hope you enjoy it!
Please can you stop by my blog-I need followers!
I've switched over, too!! I will say this...go get Microsoft Word for the Mac. I was in a bit of a panic when I couldn't transfer things (lessons, activities, printables) from school to home and back again but installing Word has saved my life. :) I love my Mac, too!
Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten
I loooooove my Mac! You are going to be so happy! And I agree with Kristin, get Microsoft Word. It will make your life a lot easier! Oh, and I saw on TBA you were asking about a good font for kids to trace and stamp inside of, try CK Block. I really like that one. If you need me to email it to you, I can. brittmale@gmail.com
A Day in the Life of a 2nd Grade Teacher
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Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher
I switched in 2005 and have not looked back. We are now a total Mac family...including iPads and iPhones!! As you play, you will find that everything is easier on a Mac! And I have yet to crash any of our Macs!
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