Addition Math Mats

Today I realized my kids need more practice with math manipulatives.  I decided I'd make some Addition Work Mats for them to practice their addition facts with.  I plan to use these several ways.
  1. Laminate them and have kids build the sets, then show me when they are finished so I can check them.
  2. Laminate them and have kids uses dry-erase markers to draw shapes to represent the numbers.
  3. Copy them off and have kids draw shapes to represent the numbers.
I've also included a blank one so you can program it with your own math fact problems.


Barbie said...

Thanks! This will be great for one of my sweeties who needs more practice!!
Really Roper

Jodi said...

I can't find where I can download a copy! Help-- must be because it's Friday. :-) Thanks!