Enough about our weather back to The Snowy Day. This is my favorite book. I really don't know why except it was the book I remember reading as a kid and checking out at the coal library. When I was a kid I lived right next door to the library. Our library was small and was literally next door to us. I have fond memories of going over to listen to stories, get a lemon drop candy from the librarian and checking out books like The Snowy day and for some reason Helen Reddy's record, "I Am Woman Here Me Roar". Not really sure what that was all about.

Here is how I made the Peter template. I photocopied a page from the book, cut out Peter, and then traced him onto copy paper 4 times so I could run it on red paper on our machine that can take construction paper.
Can you please tell me what kind of machine can take construction paper? We were just told this year that we are no longer allowed to copy on construction paper or we will lose the warranties on our new copiers so we are panicking! Thanks so much!!
Can you please tell me what kind of machine can take construction paper? We were just told this year that we are no longer allowed to copy on construction paper or we will lose the warranties on our new copiers so we are panicking! Thanks so much!!
Hi, we have a risograph machine that can use tagboard and construction paper. It makes a master similar to the old "Ditto" machines, that rolls onto a drum that picks up the ink. It uses black ink and is very efficient.
What a fun craft! :) Thanks for sharing Tiffani!
Fun in PreK-1 & Kinder
Can you show me the recipe to mix the glue and shaving cream?
The recipe is just equal parts glue and shaving cream you want the mixture to be thick not run runny Almost like Cool whip There isn't really an exact measurement I really just squirt in the shaving cream and eyeball the glue.
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